Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Chapter 8 and 9

1.When and how do teachers act as designers?

Teachers act as designers all the time. They design formats for the students before class and the design during and after. In the text book it says " In schools, you can find design challenges in courses where you would expect them-technology education, computer programming and music and science classes. Teachers using the design system can help the students learn and can assure that their students to be very succeful.

2. Select one of the following and explain what it is and how it can be used in classroom: Sketchup, Trebuchet Simulator, Model Car Design, Scratch, iStopMotion, Impromptu.

I would use the Sketchup in my physical education class. Sketchup helps designers visualize the buildings or rooms created from the ground up if doing architecural designs. This can be of value in my class because I can set up a design of the way I want my students to sit for attendance. I would be able to show my students a visual if what I want. I could also use this in a sport that requires trick plays and they can get a visual of how it would play out step by step.

3. Explain "Digital storytelling by Kate Kemker." Do you think it would work in your classroom?

Digital Storytelling is said to be " technology thats not the focus of the activity but rather a tool used to create a story." This is for students to use their creative minds and not only write it but film and edit it. This would definetly be of great use in my classroom because students can make a sports film and as they are doing so they will be learning. They will do research gather all information and put it into a video. To create digital stories they must first create a desktop movie, preproduction would be taken place first.

4. Mathematics is one of the most abstract subject-matter domains. Helping students make math real. What other methods suggested in the textbook will also help make math more real to students?

The textbook suggested that programs such as Mathematica, MathLab, Statistical Analysis System, and Statistical package for the Social Sciences helps the students visually understand mathematics. Anything that is hands on for the student is great and majority of the time works. Tools such as graphic calculators have also been a support for the students. It can be used in classrooms and be takin home that way they can recieve more practice.

5. Is it possible to learn from TV alone? that is, learn how to do something merely from watching TV instruction?

Depending on what it is you are learning I would say yes. All the baking shows give u instructions to follow and if you are able to keep up and write down what they say then you can learn. If their are complex things on television that you are trying to learn then I would say no. Physical activities should not be learned from TV because you can not see the correct way from every angle that the person is doing it and you would want somebody who has actually done it in the room with you to assist. It just depends on what makes sense to learn on televised programs.

Jonassen, David H. Meaningful Learnign with Technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ:

Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, 2008

Friday, April 15, 2011

voice thread

Exploring the site of the voice thread was really interesting. At first i didn't understand what was going on or how to even use it. The site itself is very detailed in how to use it and start a thread. Overall I loved it because I learned from it and I liked how you can use a picture of some sorts and connect with everyone through different ways such as voice recording, texting, video, etc. This site is something I would definitely learn yo use.

I would consider using this in my lesson plan. I would first have to know it front and back to explain to my students so they can comprehend. I could use this in my lesson plan for my physical education class. I can have a specific topic and have the class text their answers in without each other knowing who said what.

As far as in the classroom I would do it as well. I can pick a sport that complements all genders and have my student in the computer lab discussing their likes and dislikes. It will also give the students a chance to connect with one another on different levels in different ways. While on the side they are learning more about different sites and technology.


Friday, April 8, 2011

Chapter 3

1.Gee's principle of probing (p.54) states that learning is a cycle of probing the world (doing something) and reflecting in and on this action and forming a hypothesis. Select 3 principles you think would be important for education.

  • Situated meaning Principle

  • Practice Principle

  • Identify Principle
2. Good simulations are hard to create. If you were creating a simulation of your class, what activity would you support? What variables could students manipulate? How would they affect each other? In the book on page 51 it says "when simulations exist that meet your students' learning needs, they should be used by judiciously to support meaningful learning". If I were to create a simulation for my class it would be an activity that supports physical education. Students will be using technology while reading and learning ways to incorporate physical education into their lives. They can also manipulate math skills by doing fun games on the computer like counting jumping jacks and push ups. They can also do activities that will help them learn how to add up calories and whats healthy to whats not healthy. 3.Conclusion With the three principles I chose and the simulations I will provide, my classroom will be very beneficial to students. They students will be having fun and learning at the same time. 4.Reference Jonassens, D., Howland, J., Marra, R. M., Grismond, D. (2008). Meaningful learning with technology. Columbus: Pearson, Merrill Prentice Hall

Friday, March 4, 2011

Chapter 4

1. What types of writing activities would you make the best use of technology in your classrooms?
There are two that I like which are concept maps and presentation writing. Concept maps can be used as an initial support for template for structuring different types of writing activities. Concept mapping are templates for developing research topics, organizing presentations, or writing a bibliography. This activity allows students to link different concepts that relate to each other, This activity is also great for visual learners and visual teachers. This mapping is preparation for presentation writing. Presentation writing is mainly used when getting ready to do a power PowerPoint. This could not only be used for K-12 but for later in life for job purposes. In my classroom I would use this activity because it will help them with creativity and organizational skills. They will be prepared to go on to college and into the working field preparing PowerPoint's and knowing what goes where. Using concept mapping will tie into be organized for the PowerPoint.

2.We are creating PowerPoint this week, how would you NOT let PowerPoint presentation distract your audience? Do you think you can follow the potential pitfalls from the textbook?
It's actually funny reading the pitfalls because on my power point every time you change the slide its a different opening. That may be distracting so I will have to change that. I do not have font-itus, I use the same font for every slide. The title of the page may be larger and it may be also a different font but very similar to the rest of the text. I don't use to much color because people can not see the words and begin to focus on something else in the room. I don't want my slides to be boring and all worded so I do add a few pictures onto the slide but no more than 2-3 slides. Also, I'm making sure all pictures relate to the topics and gives and example for my visual people. To ensure that everyone pays attention, after every 3 slides their will be a mini multiple choice quiz.

This chapter has given me ideas for my P.E class to do health and sport presentations. We can start out by grouping students with the same sport interest and have them do some concept mapping. After they do the concept mapping they can now do PowerPoint presentations. It will teach them the skills too write outside of English class and instead of doing the activities they can present it.

Jonassen, David H. Meaningful Learning with Technology.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, 2008

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Inspiration Quick Tour ansd webspiration Classroom

After watching the inspiration video I found that this technology can be used in any classroom setting. This is very useful for teaching techniques in classroom settings, especially for organized teachers. I liked the templates that are used on this website. Most teachers like to use diagrams and using this and the organizational skills that you learn from it will help you teach a lesson smoothly. The webspiration classroom has really given m
e ideas and understanding ways to help students.What interests me most about this website is that it's really beneficial for the students. It helps the students write effectively and evaluate and synthesize information. Helps them brainstorm ideas and build comprehension. It helps the students across the curriculum

The type of technology writing activity I think would be best used in my classroom is collaborative writing. Collaborative writing refers to activities where written works are created by multiple people together rather than individually. Being that I will be a P.E teacher my time is very limited and has to be used effectively. Students can help each other by getting into groups for collaborative work and each student can incorporate what they know. After everyone in the group has brainstormed and wrote down what they think or know they can have a peer feedback session. For example, I will have a topic called "what is the difference between a fruit and a vegetable". They will discuss the topic and put forth ideas and compare to other groups. I taught a topic similar to this before and I didn't know much about it before I taught it. I had to do some research and prayed I didn't teach someone who knew a whole lot about it. After teaching it and getting feedback I knew it better and if I had to teach it again I would be prepared.

My conclusion is this, if you plan on teaching then use these websites to help you prepare. All your weekly and daily lesson plans will be organized and ready. If you don't know how to organize your lesson, then inspiration is you guide. You will be a successful teacher with all these tools.

Webspiration Classroom

Inspiration Quick Tour

Jonassen, David H., and David H. Jonassen. Meaningful Learning with Technology.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, 2008

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Blog in Plain English

Blogs are the new beginnings of communication. It give people a chance to talk and post their creative thoughts on life and societal situations on the web. Most older people who grew up without technology think its a waste of time and a big distraction for the youth. I believe we as a people need to evolve with technology so we wont be lost and confused. I believe blogs are a great use for educational purposes and great resource.

This can help teachers to learn about their students abilities to write about themselves without having to stand up in front of the class nervously. Helps also to learn who creative they can be with their mind. Blogs can help students get along with each other because the can read about them and then they wont be total strangers to each other. They may find that they have similar values and interests. It's up to the teachers to incorporate this in the classroom so it can be beneficial.

When I read chapter six I learned of the many technologies that are being used in the classrooms. I like the fact that these students knew how to create blogs, the teachers created blogs and it has become very active in the classroom. Being that I will be a physical education teachers I can make a blog with information about different motor skills and how students can develop. It will also give me as a teacher a chance to see how my students respond. I can determine which student likes what sport and be able to have every student satisfied by the end of the term. Blogging is becoming the greatest success.

Blog in Plain English

Jonassen, David H., and David H. Jonassen. Meaningful Learning with Technology. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, 2008.

Monday, January 24, 2011


My name is Angelica Reed. I am a Senior who is majoring in Kinesiology and will be graduating Fall 2011. I am from the Bronx New York and I have been in Texas for six years now. I am 24 years old and a mother of twin boys. I am the current president of the Alpha Epsilon Chpter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc on this campus. I love being me.