Friday, March 4, 2011

Chapter 4

1. What types of writing activities would you make the best use of technology in your classrooms?
There are two that I like which are concept maps and presentation writing. Concept maps can be used as an initial support for template for structuring different types of writing activities. Concept mapping are templates for developing research topics, organizing presentations, or writing a bibliography. This activity allows students to link different concepts that relate to each other, This activity is also great for visual learners and visual teachers. This mapping is preparation for presentation writing. Presentation writing is mainly used when getting ready to do a power PowerPoint. This could not only be used for K-12 but for later in life for job purposes. In my classroom I would use this activity because it will help them with creativity and organizational skills. They will be prepared to go on to college and into the working field preparing PowerPoint's and knowing what goes where. Using concept mapping will tie into be organized for the PowerPoint.

2.We are creating PowerPoint this week, how would you NOT let PowerPoint presentation distract your audience? Do you think you can follow the potential pitfalls from the textbook?
It's actually funny reading the pitfalls because on my power point every time you change the slide its a different opening. That may be distracting so I will have to change that. I do not have font-itus, I use the same font for every slide. The title of the page may be larger and it may be also a different font but very similar to the rest of the text. I don't use to much color because people can not see the words and begin to focus on something else in the room. I don't want my slides to be boring and all worded so I do add a few pictures onto the slide but no more than 2-3 slides. Also, I'm making sure all pictures relate to the topics and gives and example for my visual people. To ensure that everyone pays attention, after every 3 slides their will be a mini multiple choice quiz.

This chapter has given me ideas for my P.E class to do health and sport presentations. We can start out by grouping students with the same sport interest and have them do some concept mapping. After they do the concept mapping they can now do PowerPoint presentations. It will teach them the skills too write outside of English class and instead of doing the activities they can present it.

Jonassen, David H. Meaningful Learning with Technology.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, 2008

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