Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Inspiration Quick Tour ansd webspiration Classroom

After watching the inspiration video I found that this technology can be used in any classroom setting. This is very useful for teaching techniques in classroom settings, especially for organized teachers. I liked the templates that are used on this website. Most teachers like to use diagrams and using this and the organizational skills that you learn from it will help you teach a lesson smoothly. The webspiration classroom has really given m
e ideas and understanding ways to help students.What interests me most about this website is that it's really beneficial for the students. It helps the students write effectively and evaluate and synthesize information. Helps them brainstorm ideas and build comprehension. It helps the students across the curriculum

The type of technology writing activity I think would be best used in my classroom is collaborative writing. Collaborative writing refers to activities where written works are created by multiple people together rather than individually. Being that I will be a P.E teacher my time is very limited and has to be used effectively. Students can help each other by getting into groups for collaborative work and each student can incorporate what they know. After everyone in the group has brainstormed and wrote down what they think or know they can have a peer feedback session. For example, I will have a topic called "what is the difference between a fruit and a vegetable". They will discuss the topic and put forth ideas and compare to other groups. I taught a topic similar to this before and I didn't know much about it before I taught it. I had to do some research and prayed I didn't teach someone who knew a whole lot about it. After teaching it and getting feedback I knew it better and if I had to teach it again I would be prepared.

My conclusion is this, if you plan on teaching then use these websites to help you prepare. All your weekly and daily lesson plans will be organized and ready. If you don't know how to organize your lesson, then inspiration is you guide. You will be a successful teacher with all these tools.

Webspiration Classroom

Inspiration Quick Tour

Jonassen, David H., and David H. Jonassen. Meaningful Learning with Technology.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, 2008


  1. I agree with you and I also feel that these websites should be used to help prepare people in the teaching field. I think the sites helps the students to stay on one site. I see how the collaborative writting would be beneficial for you as a P.E. teacher. (^_^)

  2. I had not even thought of using this for collaborative writing! I am not the best at organization, so a program like this could be very beneficial to me. I also feel that you learn more from teaching the subject. First hand experience is the best!

    Aimee McDurmon

  3. Hi Angelica,

    I really enjoyed reading your review of Webspiration Classroom! While you're getting to know the program better, I encourage you to check out our blog to read about topics in education and visual learning. In addition, you'll find some resources for all of our products, including Webspiration Classroom.

    I'd love to connect with you on our blog, Facebook and Twitter. Feel free to email me at connect(at) with any questions or comments as well.

    Sarah Cargill, Inspiration Software

  4. Making Lesson plan is the frame work of a classroom and if you are unorganized then your class is unorganized! These are very good tools to help you out.
